Tuesday, 22 July 2014

_picnic: sketches

sketches for my meeting place 'outside meets inside' and the idea of an indoor picnic

Monday, 21 July 2014

_identifying potential meeting spaces: play space

a play space

people often bring about positive emotions whens surrounded by bright colours...

...... hmmmm

_identifying potential meeting spaces: an eating place

an eating place

what kind of eating place? 

a space where people can go to meet and talk, possibly only a limited amount?
a limit on how many people are in the space, not to cause feelings of being uncomfortable,
and a limit on how long they can meet?

what would be needed for this meeting space? 

x Tables
x Chairs 
x Lighting
x Something to eat/consume
x Guidelines?

Or maybe only just one of these, or all of these?

_identifying potential meeting spaces: a shared interest space

people often share common interests, and regularly meet to spend time together 
around these common interests 

for example

x Games
x Crafting
x Discussion  
x Watching
x Listening 
x Drawing
x Etc

this meeting space would be somewhere where these interests could be shared, ideas discussed etc. 

it would need to be accessible to a range of people and contexts, or (potentially) just a specific group? 


_meeting spaces: waiting room

an interesting meeting place i thought about was a waiting room: a place where people wait to meet, the intermediaire between pre meeting and meeting. all share many of the same characteristics 

x Chairs
x Information
x Artificial lighting
x A sense of nervous emotions 
x Often silence 

_identifying potential meeting spaces: studio

what is required of a studio space? 

x Chairs 
x Tables 
x Appropriate lighting (eg warm colours, pref natural lighting)
x Perfect temperature 
x Computers (purpose specific?) 
x Writable surfaces 
x A space which feels comfortable
x A space that in turn draws inspiration
x Food
x Hydration

These may all be too much of the 'givens'. Depending on the purpose of the studio space, 
it brings about a different need for the given purpose. 

x Five aspects that a relevant across the board x 

x A space which feels comfortable
x A space that in turn draws inspiration
x Appropriate lighting (eg warm colours, pref natural lighting)
x Perfect temperature 
x Hydration

_meeting place: ocean meets land

looking at the shoreline/intertidal/littoral zone and how it is relative of a meeting place and also brings back the idea of the connection of boat shed with ocean and how they relate

what is needed for the meeting of the ocean and land? 

x Formation of land 
                       x sand
                       x rock
                       x plant
                     x dirt
                                x man made

     x Water
                        x salted
                       x fresh

x Gravity
x Tides
x Force of the ocean
x Water meets the land
x Light 


quick flour water sculpture illustrative of the break points between land and ocean, and also the relative shapes of the boatsheds

“I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and leaves less room for lies.” 
― Le Corbusier

_sketchbook walkabout

brainstorms x walkabouts x site visits

_sounds of the Clyde Quay Boatsheds

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Saturday, 19 July 2014

_site exploration video

_clyde quay boat sheds // stop motion from Sam Ross on Vimeo.
_clyde quay boat sheds // stop motion

space 222.158

by sam ross

TRACK credit - Fireplay by //Black Bear//